Thursday, September 23, 2010

Describing and Inferential Data Analysis

Hai Readers,
Today's class we were again discussed on data analysis... For your further reading, click here. Tq.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 9: Data Analysis II ( Quantitative Data)


Today group will be discuss on Data Analysis - Quantitative Data. As we know, the term qualitative data is used to describe a type of information that can be counted or expressed numerically. This type of data is often collected in experiments, manipulated and statistically analyzed. Quantitative data can be represented visually in graphs, histograms, tables and charts.

Quantitative data can be contrasted with qualitative data, which involves describing things in terms of categorizations or qualities. For further readings, just click here.

Week 8: Data Analysis 1 ( Qualitative Data)


Today class will be discuss on Data Analysis where actually divided by two different sub topic which is qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Today's group will only explain on the first sub topic, Qualitative Data Analysis. Therefore, next week the other group will be present on Quantitative Data Analysis. Difference researchers do have difference purposes, and to achieve these may pursue different types of analysis.

To more detail, people can read the summarize here.